Monday, June 13, 2011

moon bay thoughts

Challah! I am in beautiful L.A. and I have finally found the perfect fedora to fit my supple and acute head size.  I am heading back to Colorado tomorrow and then leave the 19th to go to Maine to go stay with my moms while I get testing done on me to see what the fudge is up with my nervous system...I'm okay but I might have something wrong with my endocrine system...any whoo I am sad to leave L.A. though this town is one hell of a pain in the ass it has much to offer.  It's hard to move to a new place and settle in, especially when you have insomnia and depression and constant adrenalin surging through your system.  I think what happened when I came here was that I over-exhausted myself.  But I have learned loads and know that I can adapt to most environments.  But L.A. is a tough city, traffic up the wazoo, rude angry people, dogs being dragged on leashes or kept in purses, the entertainment industry is rough...I came here to see it, to see what I'm up against as an artist, without a plan as to whether I would stay or go or for how long.  I learned that you have to have the skin of an elephant in the entertainment world, with the heart of a rose on the inside.   Though stress has bogged down my health in this chaos of a world, I will never give up my creativity and will continue to search and learn ways to adapt to new places and situations in healthier and more gentle ways.  My vision is a little clearer now, even though I have this shaky quivery feeling inside. Though I am leaving this crazy town, I am still on an adventure, an adventure to recover, everything that I didn't get as a child, everything that seems lost and confusing, I am on a journey, to find myself...which is empty from its own side.

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