Saturday, March 5, 2011

Listen mother fudger!

Look you, yes you, I;m talking to you, you mortal reading this jibber jabber! I have to tell you something...I am motha-loving sick of negative people, mainly because they break my heart and I want to shun them from ever speaking a word again, but also because there is really another option, and it's called listening and not making such a quick judgemnt.  Think about how much of the day we spend thinking of poor little me and what am I going to do today...just bloody be here, body and all, let yourself go for a little bit, allow yourself to see this paradise around you and that really theres a lot to be greatful.  Think to yourself every morning that "today I am leeting go of the old me and going to experience the new.  Don't be afraid to jam out to your favorite music in the midst of a traffic jam where everyone can see and hear you.  Don't be afraid to be a little smart ass when you have the chance.  Be playful.  Have a sense of humor, a kind sense of humor, filled with adoration.  Abandon yourself to your desires, your objectives.  Cook yourself a meal, Hold your owb hand damnit! Look around you! Yes you! Look at all the suffering in the world, not only human...and then look at your own, because you are a part of this world too, looka around and tell me that when you see this that your heart doesnt break.  Bow that's fine, to feel some sort of compassion for our situations, but then you cant just stop a fudging double take. Look again!  And really open your eyes this time.  You'll begin to see the beauty too, the magic of this existence, the fact that we are alive and can celebrate that, and all the love that is already in our lives, and the good that;s in our lives.  think that next time you walk into a room, and make an honest aim to connect positively with whomever you meet, because you can, and because you have the ability to cheer others up.  Oh and by the way have I told you how incredibly amazing you are?